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Crisis Network

Our students have a basic need for security and safety.

This consortium effort provides trained personnel to assist districts in the event of crisis situations. The goal is to help the school meet the immediate needs of students and staff and to return to a state of normalcy as soon as possible.

In the event of a crisis, the district makes one phone call to service center personnel, day or night, and the coordinator assesses the number of team members needed, what areas of expertise are needed, and activates a team. With permission of member superintendents, trained personnel from area schools are released to respond to the crisis. Trained team members arrive ready to provide whatever assistance is needed, including counseling with students and staff, drafting statements for the media, networking with agencies, and substituting in the classroom.

This program provides unlimited registrations from each district for two training sessions: Crisis Team Counselor Training and All-Hazards Approach to District Crisis Plan Management.

Non-Member Districts may join the Crisis Network.

Crisis Network Training

Each member district is automatically a member of the Crisis Network and is entitled to attend the Crisis Network training sessions, which are presented each year. This training is free to members and will help school districts develop and update crisis plans and have trained counselors ready to participate in crisis calls to area schools. Through this, network connection districts are able to call upon crisis consultants to help during times of need.

For more information, contact DeAnne Heersche at dheersche@orioneducation.org or call 620-584-3300.

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