Earn Grad Credit & PDC - Online & On-site Workshops Available Notice

Earn Grad Credit & PDC - Online & On-site Register Now for Summer Workshops 


Orion Education and Training provides guidance for districts and schools in designing curriculum and aligning to current state standards. The Professional Development team has developed several helpful documents for teachers to use to better understand standards and their place in the local curriculum.

For more information on how to help your school get started in improving your local curriculum, adopting new textbooks, aligning standards, and more, contact us.

Data Analysis and PLCs

Our consultants are ready to help your district understand your assessment scores — local, state or with products such as FastBridge, AIMSweb and KCA. We have developed several tools for data analysis and are trained to assist districts with the Professional Learning Community (PLC) model. Several districts have contracted time with consultants to help with the analysis and interpret scores for application back to the classroom.

As the state accreditation model and federal law continues to readjust, our consultants work hard to stay up-to-date with the latest regulations. We can help your district understand how these requirements affect your district and local data.

Contact: Lori Jensen Wilson or DeAnne Heersche


As schools are adopting FastBridge to use in schools, Orion is prepared to assist districts by providing training and in-district support. 

Contact: Shannon Mann 


If your school is using AIMSweb for math or reading assessments, don’t hesitate for more assistance!

Contact: Tanya Jacobucci


Are you ready to track data about behavior in your schools? 

PBISApps is a web-based information system designed to help school personnel use office referral data to design school-wide and individual student interventions. The three primary elements of PBISApps are:

An efficient system for gathering information

A web-based computer application for data entry and report generation

A practical process for using information for decision making

These three elements give school personnel the capability to evaluate individual student behavior, the behavior of groups of students, behaviors occurring in specific settings, and behaviors occurring during specific time periods of the school day. PBISApps reports indicate times and/or locations prone to elicit problem behaviors and allow teachers and administrators to shape school-wide environments to maximize students' academic and social achievements.

The data entered into PBISApps are protected to ensure that only approved individuals from the school may access the database. Information about PBISApps and opportunities for adopting the program may be obtained by contacting Lori Jensen Wilson, certified PBISApps trainer. 

Find out how we can help YOUR organization!

Give us a call today! Contact us at 620-584-3300 or by filling out our contact form.