Earn Grad Credit & PDC - Online & On-site Workshops Available Notice

Earn Grad Credit & PDC - Online & On-site Register Now for Summer Workshops 

**Orion has put out a call for bids for professional development in regards to the Perkins grant and CTE. Learning opportunities shall be offered as a hybrid in-person/virtual session. The in-person session will take place in Clearwater, KS in order to serve districts in south central Kansas. 

All bids are due to Lori Jensen Wilson (ljensen@orioneducation.org) by noon on Wednesday, June 25th.

Further information on the bidding process can be found here.


Carl D. Perkins

The Perkins Act of 2006 Defines CTE: Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides organized educational activities that offer a sequence of courses aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge. CTE courses of study provide skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions. Students are expected to achieve technical skill proficiency, industry-recognized credentials, certificates, or associate degrees. Courses may include competency-based applied learning modules that contribute to academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving. Additional goals of CTE programs include work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of an industry, including entrepreneurship.

Carl D. Perkins Federal Funds: Perkins funds are available to CTE programs that have been through the approval process. Federal legislation outlines specific directions for the use of the funds, and each school’s allocation of funds is measured according to these guidelines. Last fiscal year, $12.2 million was made available to Kansas schools that qualified.

Carl D. Perkins Consortium: Member districts of Orion are eligible to become members of the Perkins Consortium. A portion of each district’s allocation is ascribed to the service center to support grant writing, management, fund accounting and related bookkeeping and reporting responsibilities.

We can help YOUR district with your CTE program! 

Monthly CTE Meetings: Any Perkins member or CTE Coordinator is encouraged to register for and attend this informative meeting. Members will collaborate, share resources and discuss relevant CTE topics.

Register with Lori Jensen Wilson at ljensen@orioneducation.org

On-Site Support: Lori Jensen will come to your district, meet with Pathway teachers and coordinators, help evaluate programs and provide support. Daily consult rates apply.

Evaluation of Program: Districts can contact Lori to ask for an off-site evaluation of their program. Consultants will review pathways, course offerings to establish new pathways, data gathering, credentialing and more. Daily consult rates apply.

Perkins Grant Support: Contact Lori Jensen

Want more information or to schedule support?

Contact Lori Jensen at 620-584-3300 or ljensen@orioneducation.org or find more information at the KSDE CTE page

Find out how we can help YOUR organization!

Give us a call today! Contact Kris Misak at 620-584-3300 or through our contact form.