Earn Grad Credit & PDC - Online & On-site Workshops Available Notice

Earn Grad Credit & PDC - Online & On-site Register Now for Summer Workshops 

Administrators and FastBridge: Leveraging FastBridge through a Leadership Lens


Friday, August 9, 8:30am – 3:30pm


Orion Clearwater 13939 Diagonal Road Clearwater, KS 67026


A deep dive into the reports available to school and district leaders, including the Group Screening Report and Group Growth Report. Discuss ways to monitor, support, and strengthen FastBridge implementation.


FastBridge Trainer


Member Fee: $140 (event + meal)

Non-Member Fee: $215 (event + meal)

Cancellations must be received 48 hours in advance or fees will be due; same district substitutions are allowed. If Orion is not notified of a cancellation, the district is still responsible for the enrollment fee. We understand that there can be emergencies and we will work with those on an individual basis once we have been contacted in a timely manner.

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