
Leadership Exchange


Monday, September 23, 10:00am – 2:00pm


Orion Clearwater 13939 Diagonal Rd. Clearwater, KS 67026


District Leaders… are you in need of some practical advice and guidance from someone who has been in your position? There are so many changes and challenges we’re facing in Kansas Education and we want to help! 

Join Mindy Bruce in quarterly meetings - with lunch! - to discuss, possibly cuss, gain insights and network with others. 

Meeting #1 Leading Post-COVID:
Time to hit hard reset-how to do this, what gets in the way?
Leadership skills: what has changed over the past five years?
How do we lead staff through societal changes?
DLT and BLT-How do they function in your district? How is the communication chain?

Meeting #2 Operational vs. Instructional:
Managing the 3 B’s
Focused leadership-instructional leadership versus faculty meetings
What is good instruction?
School Improvement - Four fundamentals

Meeting #3 Data, Data Everywhere:
How do we use data-what data is available, what data do we use, and is there some we can get rid of?
How do we manage data? How do we have data conversations? How does our data invoke change?
What practices are we doing that do not cause change?
How do we communicate data? Who is involved? How? Where? When?

Meeting #4 Collaboration:
Identify things to collaborate about-data, reporting, school improvement, facility needs, maintenance, personnel, data, collaboration time, PLC’s, schedules, staffing, busing, capital needs, at-risk documentation, BOE

Presenter Bio: Mindy Bruce has spent over 33 years in the field of education. She has been a fifth grade teacher, title one teacher, kindergarten teacher, principal, curriculum director, assistant superintendent and superintendent. The majority of her career has been spent in the Renwick School District. In July 2023, Mindy retired from the district. Upon retirement, Mindy was not looking for a full time job. The one thing she was certain of, is that she wanted to spend retirement giving back to schools. She is now spending her time consulting districts in school improvement through KSDE.


Mindy Bruce


Member - $395

Limited - $450

Non-member - $650

Cancellations must be received 48 hours in advance or fees will be due; same district substitutions are allowed. If Orion is not notified of a cancellation, the district is still responsible for the enrollment fee. We understand that there can be emergencies and we will work with those on an individual basis once we have been contacted in a timely manner.

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