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Classroom Coaching

How can you become a superstar teacher? Through practice with feedback! If you are working on improving your jump shot or hitting home runs and your form is not working, then practicing won’t help you become better. But with guidance from a coach, you can improve your form to perfect your practice. Teaching can work the same way.

Teachers can use many strategies to learn about new instructional practices or classroom management. Professional development, book studies, and PLCs all provide the knowledge. Classroom usage provides the practice. Classroom coaching leads to better practice for better overall performance.

Orion consultants provide classroom coaching which allows teachers to select the area for feedback, in-class observations on the area for feedback, and face-to-face conferencing to discuss the observation. Classroom coaching is individualized and personalized professional development. It can also be extremely powerful!

Researchers have found through recent studies that instructional coaching improves both instructional practice and student achievement—more so than other professional development and school-based interventions. The research shows that the quality of instruction can improve by as much as—or even more than—the difference in effectiveness between a new teacher and one with five to 10 years of experience (Kraft MA, Blazar D, Hogan D. The Effect of Teacher Coaching on Instruction and Achievement: A Meta-Analysis of the Causal Evidence. Review of Educational Research [Internet]. 2018;88 (4) :547-588).

Want to try classroom coaching? We would love to help teachers who just want to become better at their profession, new teachers to support their learning and implementation of effective strategies, and teachers who need support in a particular area, like classroom management, student engagement, or cooperative learning.

Contact DeAnne Heersche at Orion Education and Training to set up classroom coaching with one of our consultants. We would love to help!

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