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Wellness Warrior Recipients - Micaela Barnes & Krista Vanderbilt

Wellness Warrior

Congratulations to Micaela Barnes and Krista Vanderbilt on their February 2021 Wellness Warrior Nomination! We are so proud of you and your determination! 

"There has never been a time in my four years of coaching that these two ladies have not been working or focused on something specific in regards to their sense of health and well-being. Not that it has been easy for them. It hasn’t. But what strikes me the most is that even though there have been some extremely difficult life challenges for them both, beyond what some could comprehend; they have never completely given up on themselves. They continue to experiment, flex, adapt, and they have intentionally partnered ever so closely to support one another through their vulnerabilities, challenges, and efforts."  -HH

I’m nominating Micaela Barnes and Krista Vanderbilt (as a team), for this next Wellness Warrior award for a variety of reasons. They both never hesitate to share the details of what they’re working on with me (and there is always something - or many things!), and they communicate these efforts with a conviction and sense of empowerment/ownership that I have always found delightful and inspiring. I can’t recall any wavering about whether their wellness is an option; it is a significant commitment to themselves.

Krista and Micaela have started a book study group with another friend, Angie. Adapting to physical distancing requirements, the three of them connect daily with one another through video chats for accountability, support, sharing, and social connection. Each of them have their own unique wellness plan that is different from the others, but they still connect each day regardless. So far, they have read:
“The Rules of Normal Eating: A Commonsense Approach for Dieters, Overeaters, Undereaters, Emotional
Eaters, and Everyone in Between!” by Karen Koenig
“Chasing Cupcakes: How One Broke, Fat Girl Transformed Her Life (and How You Can, Too)” by Elizabeth
Benton (reading in progress)
They also listen to a podcast by Corinne Crabtree, a Master Certified Coach in weight loss, called “NoBS WOMAN”.

Between increased water intake paired with decreased sugar intake for Krista, or getting certified to be an aqua trampoline instructor for Micaela, or making sure they go to Jazzercise together, and if not that, then simply walking together, they have partnered for so many of their efforts in order to maintain consistency and motivation. Krista keeps a desk pedal at work, and also does workout videos from home. Micaela recently (and successfully) committed to 28 days straight of 30 minutes of movement per day. They are also both working on journaling regularly, and practicing positive self-talk in order to rewire negative habits of mind that could be self-defeating.
They understand that it is not just physical activity and nutrition that affect health and weight loss, but rest and recovery as well. Micaela is becoming aware of what an impact sleep has and how important it can be to have scheduled time to one-self, and Krista has expressed the benefit of actively seeking positive social interactions to get out of the house and re-energize when being at home becomes too much.

Both women have experienced the benefits and outcomes of their efforts in different, but significant ways, and at different times in their journey. Remarkable weight loss, outstanding A1C reduction, clothing and ring size reduction, increased self-awareness, digestive ease, more mindfulness, strong friendships, and even deeper connections with others are just some of the outcomes of their efforts. I’m sure they could express more. I am so proud to share with you all that they have and are accomplishing and hope you will find them as inspiring as I do. I asked them both if there was anything they would like to share with you about their wellness paths thus far.

“It’s definitely a journey, not a race. Don’t get discouraged if things aren’t moving in the way you think they should.” -- Krista

“It really is about progress, not perfection. Comparison is the thief of joy.” –Micaela

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